From an interview with Monk Elia by Road to Emmaus (6:3, 2005).
RTE: Father Elia, we often hear of "the Greek Fathers," and "the early
Church Fathers," but with the exception of obvious names, like Ephrem the
Syrian, Isaac the Syriac, and St. John Damascene, we generally have only
vague notions of who actually belonged to the Antiochian patrimony. Can
you recount some of the most well-known saints?
MONK ELIA: There were thousands of saints who originated from Antioch.
For example, of the apostles and disciples: Sts. Peter and Paul the Apostles,
the founders and patron saints of the Patriarchal See of Antioch; St.
Quartos the Apostle, one of the Seventy, the founder and patron of the
Archdiocese of Beirut; St. John Mark the Evangelist, the founder and
patron of the Archdiocese of Byblos; and St. Sila or Silouan the Apostle, one
of the Seventy, the founder and patron saint of the Archdiocese of Botrys.
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