'Antioch': A New Initiative for the Study of the Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch
By Dr. Sebastian Brock (Oxford University, UK)
In 2006 a new charity, named 'Antioch', was set up and registered with the aim of promoting research on the cultural heritage of the Rum Orthodox
(Chalcedonian) Patriarchate of Antioch. Although the early period, up to the time of the Arab conquests, is comparatively well known, the subsequent
centuries have been very little studied, despite their importance, both for the history of the Orthodox Church as a whole, and for that of the
Middle East in general. Discoveries in recent years of medieval wall paintings in Syria and Lebanon, as well as of hitherto unknown manuscripts,
forgotten saints, and the identification of new Christian archaeological sites, are just one indication of some of the new and unexpected aspects
that are coming to light.
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